Daniel Mminele

Daniel Mminele, Nedbank Group Board Chairperson

The board considers the values–strategy alignment on a regular basis to ensure that the group adheres to high standards of ethics and corporate behaviour, and that a code of ethics and conduct that addresses conflicts of interests is in place for this purpose.

Group Executive

See full team
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Jason Patrick Quinn

Chief Executive

Appointed: May 2024

Jason has expertise in accounting, auditing, large corporates, retail and investment banking, other financial services, human resources, marketing, business strategy and strategic planning, corporate governance, stakeholder management and doing business in emerging economies.

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Michael Davis

Chief Financial Officer

Appointed: 1 October 2020

Mike has significant industrywide experience in finance, asset and liability management, regulatory, treasury, risk and capital management, and has worked in financial services for over 26 years. 

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Mfundo Clement Nkuhlu

Chief Operating Officer

Appointed: 1 January 2015

Before joining Nedbank, Mfundo was the executive responsible for strategy, revenue and economic analysis at the South African Revenue Service and chief director of the Department of Trade and Industry.